Report to:

East Sussex SACRE


Date of meeting:


18 June 2024


Barry Blakelock

ESCC Children’s Service Representative


SACRE Budget Update



To update East Sussex SACRE on the current budget position




·         NOTE the budget spend for the current financial year.


Budget 2024/25

The allocation from Children’s Services for the work of SACRE has been established at £10,000 for 2024/25 to reflect the implementation of the new Agreed Syllabus. 


Area of work



Specialist RE Advisor – 7 days

(Claire Ramalli)





SLE Primary Network – 3 days

(Claire Rivers)





SLE Secondary Network – 3 days

(Sam Keddie)





RE Today CPD Package – Year 2

Reduced rate for 3 years

·         Termly webinars

(3 x Secondary, 3 x Primary)

·         Annual conference

(1 x Secondary, 1 x Primary)













NASACRE Subscription fee






NASACRE Conference fees













For 2024/25, we have agreed the number of days allocated to both the Specialist RE Advisor and the Primary and Secondary Network Leads. The Specialist RE Advisor is allocated 7 days per year and the Primary and Secondary Network Leads allocated 3 days per year – one day for each termly network meeting they host.


With an additional place on the NASACRE Conference this year, we have a small overspend of £17.